SCOPE OF WORK: Out primary role was to improve the process water dams capacity, which was around 85% full of solids. The solids product had a perceived dollar value. This material was pumped to the plant as supplementary feed. CHALLENGES FACED: The single biggest challenge was the lack of make up water, this meant...
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SCOPE OF WORK: Mobilise one of specially designed suction dredges, the Anglo, along with associated pipeline. The project involved laying dredge discharge line across access roads and tying it into the top of tailings thickener 12m high. The HDPE lined dam is 80 x 80 and was about 65% full of silts from the process. We...
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SCOPE OF WORK: Maxitool Mining was engaged to repair the wharf after the recent cyclone and to assist in making the wharf ready to load ships. CHALLENGES FACED: The wharf had sustained a considerable amount of damage. This damage had to be rectified within a short time frame. Getting materials for the repair to...
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Scope: We Mobilised our larger rose bud cutter suction dredge, an in line boost pump and pipe work. Tasked with removing 75,000.00m3 of coal fines and silts. Removal of the fines was to provide additional water storage capacity in the dam. Challenges: From the beginning we were aware there was a site data communications cable located in the...
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Scope: The scope of work included the installation of a complete lining system in a 22’ x 40 6’ Ball Mill. This was part of the construction project for the machine and associated plant. Challenges: Given that it was a new installation, there was no charge in place inside the mill to effectively work...
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