Mini Dredge in action

Maxitool Australia’s new Mini-Dredge in action on a desludging project in Queensland! This machine was designed and built in-house. It can be used to service smaller impoundments and those where access to launch and retrieve a larger dredge is not available. Plastic pond liners are safe with our specifically designed auger head. The dredge...

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Maintaining Dam Safety with Maxitool Australia

Potential process dam failures have become a focal point of the mining industry following the devastating tailings dam collapse at Brazil’s Brumadinho iron ore mine. This incident and other domestic failures have sparked scrutiny of the possible risks and consequences to tailings storage facilities in Australia. Many mining companies have begun to conduct self-audits...

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How our Hydrographic Survey Solution can benefit you

When considering how our hydrographic survey solution can benefit you, you need to consider the science of hydrographic survey which involves the description and measurement of features – primarily underwater features – that affect dredging, maritime navigation and construction, offshore oil drilling and exploration, as well as other related activities. Maritime cartography is the...

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